Meet AMY Master Coach

This is the "official" BIO
...Amy shares the real one down below

The tenacious REBEL heart behind Rules ReWritten™, Amy is obsessed with radically optimizing performance by helping clients defy limitations and redefine the rules to reach indomitable heights in business and life.

A Behavioral Transformation Coach, and leading expert in Peak Performance, Amy has worked with thousands of coaching clients over 20 years helping them craft daring and extraordinary lives. Clients include Inc100 executives, highly successful entrepreneurs, influencers, and leaders. 

What makes her qualified? Her own story, one of growth, of healing, and pursuit of the unreasonable.

Corporately Amy worked in the field of Human Performance Training & Development and Executive Sales.  She has served on boards and, CMO of 8-figure companies, and has been the founder of more than one 7-8 figure business. Amy has also over 25 years of active entrepreneurial ownership in businesses within tech, real estate investing, portfolio management, brokering, sales, strategic consulting, fulfillment, content and top-tier coaching programs.

During all those years Amy has obsessively pursued the study of behavioral sciences, behavioral educational psychology, behavioral therapies, integrative psychology, neuroscience, neurochemistry, biochemistry, NLP, hypnotherapy, altered state sciences, meta-health, athletic performance, leadership development, and sales psychology. She is master certified in multiple modalities to help clients unlock, unleash, and elevate human performance integrating that into the experiences of every client, student, trainee, and team member. 

She has deeply studied history’s REBEL high-achievers and unlocked the playbook they live by to craft extraordinary lives. Actively practicing the art of daring and masterful questions with actionable behavior change, Amy is able to recognize the needs of clients and help them get results that others cannot.

Top tier clients of RulesReWritten™ experience a proprietary approach that includes an innovative FLOW Neuro Re-Set™ process that obliterates resistance, uncovers hidden potential, exponentially increases efficient output, and greatly improves the client's quality of life. 
Clients get out of their own way, release all resistance, realize their greatest potential, access parts of themselves they haven't, pursue their wildest dreams, and pursue ... healthy, wealthy, connected, fulfilled, ...limitless lives.

Work with Amy and her team through provocative game-changing trainings, radical breakthrough science, and in an intimate raw intentional innovative personal performance & development coaching experience.

*Master Trainer | Mastery Level Board Certified

"Working with Amy is the catalyst for REAL RESULTS and the high-achiever's REAL competitive advantage."

LOCK IN Your 1.ON.1 Discovery Call

This is my Real BIO

My name is Amy Ransdell. I'm driven by passion, curiosity, and purpose. I'm a behavioral transformation architect. AND just like you, I'm also human.

Above is a list of accomplishments in business ... and also, I believe it's important to know these things about me as well...

I'n my life I've been disappointed, abandoned ,and left holding the bag. I've struggled financially. I've had projects, businesses, goals, plans ...go horribly wrong and wonderfully right. I've felt extreme loss. I've experienced isolation and loneliness. I know what it feels like to be stuck, filled with doubt, and my confidence shaken. I've lost loved ones. I've been divorced. I've been a single parent. I've been homeless and void of hope. I've had partnerships sink the ship. I have stories of trauma, abuse, and anguish. I've experienced the shift of friends and support that comes with growth. I know personally the impact of imposter syndrome. I've had to pivot and change direction. I've had to dig deep to remind myself of my purpose. I had to choose NOT to be the victim and not give up on what I'm worth. I know all too well the weight of limiting beliefs.

I live by the RebelCode™ and the performance tools I preach. The routines and self-discipline strategies we implement with clients I implement to be in flow, in optimal peak state, performing at my best so I may pursue unreasonable, unorthodox, unconventional, grandiose goals just like you.

I've shared all of this because I want my clients to know that I have also been in the trenches. I've done the hard things. I too am focused on building an extraordinary life. I've personally faced many challenges (in life and business) and I've coached many people through life-changing experiences. I have been a leader, a coach, and an advisor to top tier performers for over 20 years. I've worked with clients who have experienced extreme loss, life-threatening illnesses, had miscarriages, been assaulted, lost everything, been through bankruptcy, battled addiction, struggled with anxiety, ptsd, ...and more. I I've been behind the velvet curtain and know the secret challenges of elite clients from high-ranking military veterans to Inc100 executives and multi-millionaire investors and entrepreneurs.

It is our very approach to peak performance used with our clients that also once saved me from the brinks of depression, quitting, giving up, and worse. It is the work we do here that has been the catalyst for my growth. It is the work we do here with clients that has given me the tools I needed to elevate the quality of my life while dominating in business.

Since before I can remember I've also always been a REBEL ...driven to write my own rules and do life on my own terms regardless of what life handed me. That determination and my experience with the performance approach we implement here is what sparked my passion to learn everything I could to help impact 1000s of other rebels the way this work has helped me. I want to help them re-write and redefine the rules to do life on their terms too. I want to help fellow top tier performers elevate their own rebellions against the status quo, against circumstances, against expectations, and challenges. I believe that everyone should rebel against what's holding them back from having the extraordinary life they want and deserve both personally & professionally.

What I've found after working with 1000s of individuals, is that at every level all of us, top tier rebel performers no different, have the same challenges and needs. As rebels we have also the same desire deep down to grow, to explore the uncomfortable, to pursue the unreasonable ...even when our present circumstances or the challenges we are experiencing push back.

I've learned that each of us know at our core that when we open up and allow deep insight into our unconscious thoughts and internal identity that our lives begin to elevate. It's when we allow our authentic selves to shed the weight of what our external experiences try to hand us, that we become all we were created for. It's when we connect viscerally to our dreams, to our purpose, to our meaning .. that we reach our greatest potential.

Oh, and surprisingly I'm also an introvert at heart who loves every opportunity to enjoy nature, especially the ocean. You'll never have to twist my arm to head to the slopes, dive, or go fishing. My family and I spend our time together exploring, being adventurous, and trying new things.

I am a coach who ASKS

daring questions and LISTENS
so my clients get RESULTS

A couple of favorite quotes:

Glenda the Good Witch of the North to Dorothy
(Wizard of Oz) :
"You had the power all along my dear"

Yogi Berra: "If you don't know where you're going you'll end up some place else."

Thomas Eddison: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."


Helping top-tier performers bring their A-Game to the field mentally, physically, emotionally, congruently ___is our mission.

No sideline sitting.
No leaving less than what we are capable of on the field.
No excuses, no avoidance, no shrinking from ownership.
No, this is where we step up to dominate personally & professionally.

Behavioral Transformational Coaching
Peak Performance Coaching

"Coaching at this level has been my secret weapon. The insights and deep work to release everything that was holding me back means my being way ahead of the curve. I'm moving towards my goals faster than I thought possible."

~ Adam D. | Executive | Tampa, Florida

"Coaching with Amy is powerful.  Her mindset performance process will enrich your personal life and her tactical coaching will amplify your business.  Changes for me both personally and professionally have been dramatic! The results of one of our sessions alone lead to more progress in days than in years.  Thank you Amy!"

~ M. Concannon - Woodstock

"MORE than learning, I am EVOLVING. Here you achieve your next level AND continue from there on an exponential curve in growth. I've changed the way I approach challenges… and I am working in ways that I did not think were possible for me."

~ P. Alexius, Georgia


Entrepreneurs, Executives, Leaders | PURPOSE-DRIVEN | Faith Guided | Family Oriented | Men & Women

REBELS in business and life.
The Beasts Ballers Shot-Callers BadAsses Outliers Creators Innovators Rule-Breakers Boundary-Pushers Limitless Purpose-Driven Results-Obsessed Entrepreneurs Executives Leaders Ambitious Disciplined High-Achievers Unconventional Unstoppable Unorthodox Unfuckwithable Unrestricted Unwavering Unrelenting Dominating Unique Brilliant Elevated Warriors Titans Mavericks Pursuing-Excellence Unleashed Unlimited Unlocked Out-of-the-Box Creating Ways for Others Outside-the-System Trail-Blazing ReWritingRules Rocket-Launching-Beyond-the-Status-Quo At-The-Forefront Radical Provocative Expansive Evolved Insightful Unexpected Phenoms Mentors & Peak-Performers

Those READY to Write Their Own Rules,
READY to Do Life On Their Terms,
for ALL They Were Created For.

YOU, isn't it?




"ONE CALL made a massive difference.

I was depressed, felt lost, and didn’t want to get out of bed or even turn my camera on. During the call Amy helped me dig deep. She helped me FIND MY PASSION again. She asked real & honest questions that helped me figure out what I truly want to do that would not only produce value for people, but would also create for me JOY and happiness too.

I ended the call with my camera on, up on my feet, & excited. Headed to the gym right after …hitting it every day since.”

~ Daniel
United States Marine | Entrepreneur | TN

If you're looking to seriously take your business to the next level trust me you NEED Amy Ransdell. Amy helped me quickly uncover things I was doing that were wasting my time. We uncovered a number of things I could tweak, she
helped me gain amazing insights, and inspired innovative ways to leverage my business.  I have no doubt I will at least double, maybe triple my revenue in the next 30 days. I can't recommend her enough.

If you don’t believe me, well watch my business EXPLODE after my call with
her today.  She's a F#@!ng RockStar.

~ Sean Christopher
Wellness Expert | Entrepreneur | KY

"I have my life back! I went from feeling hopelessly stuck in an emotional trauma loop to feeling energized, inspired, and in constant FLOW!

I’ve already manifested more than ever before by fully stepping into my power. My daughter is happy to have her mom back! My clients and friends all appreciate my full presence again.

AND I booked a client for even higher than the amount per hour we reversed engineered to in our coaching session. The amount is 98% MORE than I believed I was worth before working together.

There are no words that can properly articulate how incredibly grateful I am."

~Lauren | Entrepreneur | Coach | Dallas, TX


"After 30 years public service, almost 10 years in the military and 22 plus in law enforcement I found myself at a crossroads as I entered the next season of my life.  Battling doubt, procrastination, and a lack of clarity I was asking myself if this was as good as it gets, was I willing to settle for less than the extraordinary life I wanted? My answer? I’m not and never will. 

After a few powerful sessions with Amy, I was able to identify exactly what was holding me back. As my coach she serves up the ‘hard’ sometimes painful truth as well as professional insight into my beliefs, behaviors and actions.  Together we’ve obliterated what was draining my focus and robbing me of peace.  We’ve forged the tactical disciplines needed to craft my amazing life. I feel empowered and have zero doubt I’ll be a 10 figure entrepreneur faster than I imagined.

You get one life can have one full of doubt fear and loss, or one filled with peace and abundance. Which one will you settle for?

Working with Amy is invaluable. If you have the chance to work with her directly take it!”

~ L Bynum | United States Marine | Special Agent | Entrepreneur